[ happy birthday to you ]
Friday, December 30, 2005
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to eVa.........
happy... birth... day.... tooooooooo you~!!!
yup, 1 year older le.. so happy birthday :)
wondering what i could update.. HMMMMMMMM today is friday, very sianz.. nv go out -.-" not my style lehx~ the reason?! NO DATE =.=" tot could play pool with gene and the bio class gang.. but turn out they went else where -_- so i go home loe.. play my games :)
i just realized that i actually spend a lot when i have my atm card with me.. a lot as in my context of 'a lot', not the ladies idea of how 'a lot' is suppose to be.. i mean when i have my atm card with me, i tend to buy things that i like but wun use =.=" i guess this is typical 'hong' style.. no wonder my mum says i wun be able to save money HAHA guess thats quite true.. cause i was thinking back in my FYPJ lab (nothing to do la!) of the things that i bought.. from bdae presents to bball shoes to my spending in msia to daily shopping @ NYP cheers.. and now i'm going shopping for new year clothes real soon.. really spend quite a lot le hmmmm have to cut down if not will die one!!! guess shall end here :P will update if there is any interesting stuffs for my new year countdown :)
by hong ; 10:43 PM
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[ malaysia truly asia? ]
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
malaysia wans to be truly asia, singapore wans to be unique -.-" a recap on what i did pass few days and on my 3D 2N x'mas genting trip.. now i find the trip very not worthy, we spend 2 days travelling and only 1 day on the theme park -.-"
went to sakae sushi with lots of peeps.. ourside the usual, less quan.. gene's bio class (too many to name) and ervina.. actually din expect erv to turn up -.-" she enjoy giving surprises to others you see~ the gift exchange was fun yet very sucky for me!!! i got zai's present and to zai: 'if you're reading this, fuck you! =P u said u wun buy chocos.. and look what i've got?!' although its random, but i still feel i damn suay.. kanna something that i dun like to have :( i wanted to get gene's present after i know what he bought, dunno how to explain.. its like a kind of pouch but round and its suppose to hang on your belt strip.. argh!!! dun think i'm making any sense :P after the gift exchange, went to clarke quay to nua a bit.. then after that some went home some went monstercue play pool.. me being the playful one of course would follow the majority to monster.. played pool until 2am i think~ then went take cab with gene and go home pack up things for my msia trip..
saturday (1st day):
woke up at 5.30 am -.-" 5.30 god dammit!!! i only had 2 hours of pathetic sleep =.=" went to bath then left house @ around 6.15 to lavendar mrt.. went on bus to genting o.o the trip is damn long.. we reach genting at around 5pm lidat, from 7am to 5pm.. thats freaking 9 hours of bus ride O.O i'm like half dead when i reach genting LOL but the cable car ride was fun.. the longest and fastest cable car ride in asia~ after reaching, we put our things in our hotel room then went to had dinner in the shopping centre food court.. SUX!!! the ZI CHA SUX!!!!!!!!! but really cheap though haha drinks are exceptionally expensive.. about 1.50 for a freaking small small cup of tea.. and when i say small, i do mean small~!!! after dinner when walk walk see see, then went hotel room rest~ around 11 lidat went to the hotel ball room for their x'mas party (mum din go cause she is shagged).. this is like the worst x'mas i ever had, i'll be better off staying in the hotel room or chilling out at coffee beans or starbucks lor.. when i go in there is like less then 20 peeps, only until around midnight then there is more pple, the whole idea of the party is so cheapskate lor.. i feel like as though i went into a cheap skate pub.. then inside u can see those typical clubbers dancing, some can really shake... but some is out to seek attention, they are not shaking.. they are literally dancing!!! OMG.. its like u see them doing those professional dance steps in this kind of 'pub' thats so lab sup -.-" attention seekers.. i think i gonna hate clubbing life lor~ loud music, rude bastards, attention seekers.. theres only one thing thats nice, CHIO BU!!! loads of them!!! oh and the DJ for the nite also sound so cheap skate.. their name will make u roll off ur chair, so behold of DJ FIRE and DJ ICE!!! its like intruducing PEPSI FIRE and PEPSI ICE!!!! omg!!!! and their dress is like those 'qi yue ge tai' type of clothing lor!!! -.-" dance dance drink drink until 3 am then went back room koon
sunday (2nd day):
woke up at 10 am, had break fast at the same food court, different but still sucky food!!! -.-" then after that went to buy tix go theme park, and after about 5 mins we entered the park, it farking hell RAIN!!! @!$@#^T$#^!% (replace with vulgarities) lucky the rain is just small and lasted awhile.. i had my balls shrunk to the size of bowling ball at the theme park -.-" SCARY!!! but fun whahaha the free fall and roller coaster are the best.. hmm i think thats the only few rides we took.. had lunch at pizza hut.. its god damn cheap lor!!! the price number is the same as singapore, just that its in rm whahaha so if u can afford 1 pizza in singapore, u will be able to buy 2 in msia!!! so cheap man!!!! after pizza meal, went back to theme park for another round of free fall, then walk walk.. DINNER!!! fast eh?? long queue la -.-" dinner is good!!! had zi cha at the other place, price high but u're paying for good quality shits u see.. so was satisfied and happy :D after dinner went shopping, i bought a b.u.m. equipment tee and belt and reload bermudas.. all in the diesel shop!!! cheap and good!!! they had sale ma :P wanted to spend more money on the sourvinir stuffs but their sourvinir cannot make it.. DUSTY and OLD!!! after shopping went back koon...
monday (last day):
woke up at 10++ am, pack bag, then left for blunch (erv tot me this).. for those who dunno, blunch is breakfast + lunch =.=" lame eh?!?!!? hahahaa ate mac.. then tu tu tu until 1 lidat took cable car to the mountain waist (chinese) bus is late for 1 whole freaking hour!!!! god damn it!! how to truly asia if the service so sux?! -.-" took bus @ 4 lidat then reach singapore @ 11pm -.-" this time seem faster cause no jam.. then went home straight and play com cum charge ipod.. then koon @ 2.30 am
so today was bored, woke up unwillingly this morning then come sch, network down!!! power trip for pc!@!! dammit!!! this is good!!! whahaha no nedd do anything, whole day just keep on network down pc power trip whahaha.. then went to shopping arcade @ nyp to contribute snacks for the pathetic 4 man room.. so cosy!!1 dunno is good or pathetic lor.. then lunch went out to bishan with zhi wei, ws and fat hao~ zhi wei drove :) then i finally bought my new ball shoes.. dunno should regret or not~ think its nice and not so expensive.. reebok ATR press mid~ $92.65 after 15% discount, original price is $109 now very gian play ball :D shall end here, this is long long long post woo hoo
by hong ; 4:22 PM
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[ crap and crap only ]
Friday, December 23, 2005
jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the waY!~ yesh, it is the annual singapore youngster event.. X'MAS!!!! all youngsters go chiong on this day.. i still dunno why its so special and popular among youngsters to celebrate this festival~ all sorts of race and pple celebrate the birth of jesus hmmmm.. even i, a free thinker, makes it a point to celebrate x'mas with frens whahhaha anyway.....
later on will be going to funan i think.. for sakae feast :) gonna have to exchange presents randomly hmmm wonder wad will i get =P after the feast also dunno go where.. but i seriously dun feel like going home cause its the only day i get to celebrate x'mas with my band of brothers :( tml morning 7am i think.. will be going m'sia, genting with mum, bro and the other cousin (not zai).. will be back only on monday evening so hope tonite can spend more time with my buddy and peeps.. prepared presents for qmo, dave, gene and zai.. the one piece thingy =P cheap but hope they like it.. ITS THE TOT THAT COUNTS!!!! i know its cheapo k!!! but still at least i prepared presents for them.. AND I CAN GURANTEE I WUN RECEIVE ANY FROM THEM today!!! fine!!! nvm.. and dun ask me why i bought one piece FIGURINES.. i know guys prefer useful gifts then this kind of put at 'home for decoration' things.. but i bought those figurines because i've been looking for it for them =.=" so dun ask me why k!!
now my lab is dam dam cold.. FREEZING!!!! grrrr time passes so slowly when u have nothing to do -.-" my com no space to install programs... OMG~ think shall end here, will update as often as i could :) cya
by hong ; 2:26 PM
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[ recap ]
Sunday, December 18, 2005
woo hoo.. past 2 days was fun, fun and more more fun lOl.. a quick recap for friday and saturday..
MY END OF IPP!!!! all i can say is shiok + shiok + shiok x10 whahaha its like we are rushing our supervisor to give us the grades :P my grades was not bad, averaging 4.6 out of 5 whahaha so i can expect AT LEAST a 'B' for IPP whahaa, there's nothing much really worth remembering in BATES(company name) except for the SUPREME PORK CHOP RICE whahahaha and the curry chicken rice, oh and of course not forgetting my good supervisor.. who gave me good grades :) thanks louis :P come to think of it, time passes really fast.. i can still remember me whining about the pathetic salary and pathetic job scope.. and NO FEMALE partner -.-" haha all seems like it just happened yesterday :D but now its all over, ALL OVER I REPEAT!!! hehe after my work met up with eugene, yu quan, dave, felicia, fel bf, june, ming wie, shin and 2 more whom i do not know their name.. met up for dinner @ scissors cut curry rice.. as nice as ever :D something funny happened, june told felicia to take cab down to KALLANG besar plaza, but the place was actually JALAN besar plaza.. and i still can't think of any logical singapore shopping centres called KALLANG BESAR PLAZA yet felicia could actually happily take cab down to the unknown place whahaha.. and i dunno how the misunderstanding changed to JURONG BESAR PLAZA -.-" OMG!!! please name me any place in jurong and kallang that has the word BESAR with it one!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that explains her late arrival haha after dinner me, quan, dave and ming wie went to monstercue play pool then the rest went mustafa to smell i*di*ns shop shop.. thereafter, june and shin joined us for pool.. after that was home sweet home :D
Eugene's bdae celebration, met 11.30 at amk station then went to boon lay change bus to singapore discovery centre, FOR PAINT BALL!!! woah, fun fun fun fun fun fun very fun fun fun fun!!!!!! but expensive sports though~ tiring yet so fun whaha pictures can be found in fel's blog~ this experience can be described as smelly, tiring, shagged, hot, sweaty, pain but the best word is still fun haha a few of us got injuries but that wun stop us from having fun :P after that, some went home, some stayed to bath and talk talk.. those who stayed are the usual suspects lar~ AND WE HAD FUN WITH DAVIDS CAMERA!!! haha its a secret so wun be talking about it here =P obscene lar whaha after bathing went to chomp chomp, shin and aaron met us at there and we reach first, it was a FEAST!!!! GREAT ONE!!! name the few best foods @ chomp chomp adn u can find it on our table~! treated by eugene.. then after dinner we went to zai house, ya the usual thingies la.. we secretly bought cheese cake for eugene, mango cheese cake woo hoo nice nice!!!! very cheesy indeed then drank vodka peach at zai house, then theres the usual cake smashing, vodka games etc.. then after that was home @ 4am~
had fun rite?!?! hope my FYPJ could be this fun also whaha looking forward to it now and hope it doesn't disappoints me :P hehe
by hong ; 8:40 PM
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[ happy birthday ]
Thursday, December 15, 2005
A very happy 19th birthday to Eugene Pang.
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to eugene........
Happy birthday to you..
(sings in stylo R&B style :P)
*To eugene: you're 19 liao, like all of the 86' babies, you're celebrating your last bdae with the digit '1' starting, so its time to party :) may your dreams come true and hope you'll have your lucks with the ladies (you know wad i mean) stay happy and healthy.. enjoy this special occasion :D
yes i know its been 6 days since i last updated and i know this is not my typical 'hong' style -.-" i HAVE EXCUSES OK~!! cause i am sick and i am LAZY!!! ok mabbe lazy is not considered as an excuse but hey, i'm really getting lazier and lazier.. cause now my office cannot update blog because my computer monitor is facing towards the door and the door is open =.=" i dun wanna get caught for updating my blog LOL oh and the poor handsome hong is sick, this time is VERY sick, vomited and had diarrhea and had fever last nite.. so this morning suppose to take mc but i still went for work just because my LO is coming to visit us for the presentation AND i do not want my grades to be affected because of my absense.. went home after the presentation ended at around 10+ then continue sleep until 3 pm LOL now feeling very weak all over, as if i would breakdown anytime :( and my appetite was sucky, i can't even finish the guo tiao mee that my mum bought for me OMG nothing must happen to me!!! I WILL SURVIVE!!!
a fast recap, yesterday's ball semi we lost, TERRIBLY but still wun regret anything :) ok done with recap, i'm feeling dam tired to do any blogging so shall end here :)
by hong ; 3:44 PM
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[ oh look wad you've done ]
Friday, December 09, 2005
alone in office right now, my partner went to NS medical checkup -.-" pang seh me so many times le lor!!!! :( ok this time forget it cause its a compulsory thing~ had supreme pork chop rice for lunch.. i da bao back office to eat, you wun be able to imagine how delicious it is!!! i think when i leave my company, this is gonna be the only thing i will miss.. its so delicious and fragant that when i da bao back to office, in the lift there was this lady.. she works same company as me but different department one, she asked 'is that the supreme pork chop rice? i can smell it..' so u can imagine how tasty it is.. tender on the inside yet crispy on the outside, its juicy also!!! and it comes in large portions for just $3.. only one word i can use to describe it.. VERY VERY DELICIOUS!!! oh thats 3 words, well anyway it just taste excellent :)
later on will be playing pool @ grassroot i guess.. but eugene not joining us for prata session cause he going with his class to eat dinner -.-" there goes our usual thing =.=" tomorrow will be having basketball competition OMG!!! i'm looking forward to it, 1st match up against a team called SAINTS from dbi one, hope we can overpower them.. and if we do make it to the finals, i'm still wondering how many of us can make it for the match HMMMMM.. *shrugs* theres only 2 really free teammates, kelvin and yunlong -.- nvm must try try try to.. ya noe LOL
was listening to look what you've done by jet in my iTunes, iTunes is powerful, they allow music to be shared over the network.. means i can listen to music that my company pple's ipod has in it as long as their ipod is connected to their PC and they are using iTunes.. duh -.-" haha great tool isn't it?? loving my ipod now.. ok back to wad i was talking about, listening to look what you've done by jet and i got teary eyes -.-" its a real nice song although its not the latest.. and dun ask me why, i totally have no idea how the teary eyes came about!!! hmmm.. i think my downtime is coming, must enjoy and make it UP UP UPTIME :) wad a great time to be down, my previous post about being opti was like a few days back only and now i am down LOL guess its not that bad this time round since i've grown up like wad christ da jie said.. and mabbe i'm just being emotional or mabbe i'm just bored or mabbe its just because things are not going the way i wan it to be or mabbe its because i'm in a cold, small, lonely office right now or mabbe i just need a girl or mabbe i just need to talk -.-" wadeva it is, i'm pretty sure it'll be over in a few days time :)
*i smile because i want people around me to smile like i do*
by hong ; 2:01 PM
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[ yeah man ]
Thursday, December 08, 2005
yeah, wad can i say?? should i say 'the SIT club pple this year are darn fucked up!' or 'the SIT club this year are brainless!' or 'the SIT club pple this year are a bunch of cunning and despicable assholes!'.. hmmm i made my choice, i chose to say all 3, cause 1st, they are rude.. and they are..... ya, fucked up~ 2nd, they dun plan things, the competition 'last year' was actually held this year january so i could not understand why the hell they planned it on dec this year, it makes a whole lot of difference u see, so they are brainless to make it this way~ 3rd, they released a lot of positive news that the date might change, and chances are high but after they got enough teams to compete, they tell us at the very very last minute that the date remains, little did they predict that those who make it to finals might not make it on that day, that links to the brainless part la~ of course i most probably would take MC or apply leave, but that still doesn't change my impression of this organisation/club/group or wadeva u call it.. luckily i din pin my hopes on the Himalayas mountain, if not its gonna get a real bad drop from there phew, and i still hate the SIT this year, sux to the core.. i wonder how many of my teammates will be able to make it for the thingy -.-" oh and i really need to do this:
i din put that out of rage, just feel like doing it :) cause i think they deserve that MORE THEN THAT!!! so i'm being kind here :)
today suppose to work OT, but my supervisor seem to have forgotten it, i diam diam return my laptop, he diam diam sit there.. so me and my partner diam diam take bag and diam diam go home LOL.. he din msg me up till now so i guess he really forgotten it cleanly, hope next week dun have to OT..
the past few days has been the same old thing, wake up.. bath.. eat breakfast.. go work.. go home.. eat dinner.. play game.. sleep.. kinda lifeless, this is not my normal life!!! i can't be this way!!! lol i think my FYPJ would be a much more enjoyable experience then my IPP~ :P
by hong ; 11:05 PM
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[ what the heck ]
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Did a series of different test on www.blogthings.com LOL damn funny, was really bored in office yet could find this kind of entertainment, some of it quite true k!!! LOL below is the results and link to the tests:
Birthdate testYour Birthdate: October 20 |
 You are a virtual roller coaster of emotions, and most people enjoy the ride. Your mood tends to set the tone of the room, and when you're happy, this is a good thing. When you get in a dark mood, watch out - it's very hard to get you out of it. It's sometimes hard for you to cheer up, and your gloom can be contagious.
Your strength: Your warm heart
Your weakness: Trouble controlling your emotions
Your power color: Black
Your power symbol: Musical note
Your power month: February |
THIS birthdate test is really true for my case!!! at least i find it true :)
Seduction testYour Seduction Style: Au Natural |
 You rank up there with your seduction skills, though you might not know it. That's because you're a natural at seduction. You don't realize your power! The root of your natural seduction power: your innocence and optimism.
You're the type of person who happily plays around and creates a unique little world. Little do you know that your personal paradise is so appealing that it sucks people in. You find joy in everything - so is it any surprise that people find joy in you?
You bring back the inner child in everyone you meet with your sincere and spontaneous ways. Your childlike (but not childish) behavior also inspires others to care for you. As a result, those who you befriend and date tend to be incredibly loyal to you. |
now this is even true-er then true, LOL but how come i din seduce any girls YET?! *pondering*
If your life was a movie, what Genre it would be? testErotic Thriller |
 You've made your own rules in life - and sometimes that catches up with you. Winding a web of deceit comes naturally, and no one really knows the true you.
Your best movie matches: Swimming Pool, Unfaithful, The Crush |
wow, as expected of me -.-" at first before taking this test, i thought that my genre would most probably be classified as 'ADULT' or mabbe 'HARDCORE' or mabbe 'KINKY'
or mabbe even 'pornographic' or things like that.. and i really got something similar just a bit of mix in everything, EROTIC THRILLER -.-" thats like a HARDCORE ADULT movie that is very very KINKY lol
Gender of Brain test
Your Brain is 53.33% Female, 46.67% Male |
Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female You are both sensitive and savvy Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve |
how come i feel this is not accurate, if my brain is 53.33% female, how come i dun feel that i can understand the opposite gender very well?? i just click with them but can't seem to read their hearts -.-" i forgot, this is a brain gender test not a heart gender LOL
thats wad a bored person can do, searching for boring yet entertaining entertainments.. hmmm not making any sense but.. you get wad i mean lol
by hong ; 10:18 AM
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[ new skin ]
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
how's my skin?! i mean my blog's skin?? nice?? yu quan complain that the text area troublesome have to keep scrolling.. then ask me change so here it is :) how is it boss?? nice?? good enuf?? lol although i still prefer the old one, this new one looks good enuf and more mature :D hope u pple like it too..
later on going for ball training, din expect the weather to be so good whaha up till now still haven rain =P good good, keep up the good work lol have to go home get my gear later on after work.. troublesome LOL
was about to blog about friendster but guess i'll delay that until i find that 'miracle' or u can call her a joker with more then 25 friendster accounts averaging 500 friends each.. wait till i found her link then i blog bout that matter and gonna post the link here so that she can hit 500 friendster ACCOUNTS.. lol instead of 500 friends per account whaha she may jolly well have 500 friendster accounts each 500 friends whahahhaa so please look forward to that post about that :P
by hong ; 3:38 PM
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[ happy 20th birthday ]
Sunday, December 04, 2005
gonna wish 2 person happy birthday today, one is auntie cynthia and the other one is orbit san LOL both celebrating their birthday with the first digit starting with 2 =P so old liao whahaha i'm still within the '1' range whaha
i din forget u 2 birthday ok!!! =P just because din sms doesn't mean forget.. its just i lazy whahaha, yesterday very tired la.. so din wish orbit happy birthday, so today combine together wish here okie?! :D
to auntie cynthia: you're already 20, gonna be labelled as 'auntie' by me whahaha so try ur best not to act like an auntie :) may your dreams come true and may u and him last long long long long.. study hard, cya back in school after 17th dec =P
to orbit san: stupid orbit.. my msg here to you will be longer cause i may not have much chance to see you le, cause i come back for FYPJ u will be going for IPP soon, so please dun miss me ok!!! whaha here wish u jian fei cheng gong =P and take care of ur health ya? cause u seem to have serious stomach problems :) then please remember that the best singer is me =P although noe since last sem nia, but thats already good enuf le :D glad to know you and know that you not ah lian whahahaha anyway ur IPP must jia you, after FYPJ.. IPP will really be the last lap of your Poly Diploma Road so work hard k!! :)
done wishing happy birthday, nothing much to blog about also.. so check back again tml :)
by hong ; 11:56 PM
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[ being optimistic ]
Friday, December 02, 2005
recently found out that a lot of my friends are trying to get past the downhill of life, dun worry if you're one of them, not naming names here.. so relax :)
well well.. i've been pessimistic before and i know it sux being pessi, u will just keep thinking that the whole damn world let u down, the whole world dun understand u, the whole world doesn't care for you, the whole god damn world owes you.. at least thats how i feel when i'm pessi, but always remember that being pessimistic will lead to depression, and depression leads to suicide.. so please please cheer up guys and gals.. i know IPP/FYPJ sux, i know it sux to see your loved ones quarrel, i know it sux that you have to work for more then 10 hours a day, i know it sux that u quarrelled with your bf/gf, i know it sux to have monday blues, i know it sux to fail ur 2.4km, i know it sux that you're still single after 19 years (well i' the same :D), i KNOW IT ALL cause i experienced all of them before.. mabbe i can't understand about quarrelling with bf/gf part.. but its about the same feeling la.. dun ask me how i know the feeling, I JUST KNOW IT! =P
think positivity, turn negative into positive (quoted from Air Jordan's dad), think of the happy things.. when u know that u're going into the pessimistic state, jump out of it or u'll be stucked (ASOS said that), give urself a reason to smile, there DEFINITELY WILL BE A REASON.. dun say 'NO there is no reason', there will always be.. for me, i think of my mum a lot when i'm down, i think of how she cared for me when i'm down, i think of how she give in to my 'ren xing' when i wanted something so much, i think of how she wake up earlier in the morning like mabbe 6.30 am to prepare breakfast for me whether she is working or not, i think of how she slogged her whole damn day off but yet prepared or buy dinner for me, i think of how she nagged at me when i'm out partying late.. see, i'm single parented since primary 1.. PRIMARY 1!!! yet i could be this optimistic.. ever since primary 1 to primary 6, i've been MOCKED at for being single parent.. and i do mean MOCK, those mindless kids would always say i'm 'bo bei bo bu' which means no father no mother in hokkien.. they would say my results sux because i'm single parent, fine cause they are outsiders, some of my fucked up relatives actually gossiped behind my mums back, telling outsiders that my mum is divorced.. HEY, i'm proud of that ok!!! she single handedly raised 2 boys that grew up to 180 minimum.. imagine that effort?!?! thats genius in her own way k!!! opps, i think i digressed.. see, almost everytime when i think of all this when i'm down, i will cheer up.. if u can't think this way, then think of pple around u, your best buddies, your frens, your brothers/sisters etc etc.. this is the another thing i think of when i'm down, i think of how they would support me when i fall (as in emotionally, physical fall would only make them luff till their pants drop -.-") i think of how they would listen to my rants and complains, i think of how we know each other, i think of how our relationship(s) grew till this stage, i think of how we're going to attend each other's wedding in future and be part of the wedding gang, i think of how i went to their house and made a mess, i think of the mahjongs that we played together, i think of how we always joke with each other, i think of the online games we played, i think of how we quarrelled but in the end gave in to one another, i think of how we made sacrifices for one another, i think of how they lent me $$ when i need it even though they are broke themselfs, i think of the birthday's they celebrated for me, i think of the presents they gave me.. thinking all this made your depression go away, it makes u feel that all this so called 'sufferings' that you're going thru is worth it, cause there's a reason for you to work, study, run, play etc etc.. its like u may not be doing those things for them but u feel its worth living this life with all this good things around.. oh worst case scenario, u can't think of frens and mum.. then think of the food u ate, how nice it tasted, think of the money u earned, think of the internet at home, think of ur hp/mp3 player that u owned, think of how u're going to buy the things u like, think of how to get a girl's/guy's number on the street, think of how wonderful singapore is because it is without natural disasters, think of sky, sea etc etc.. just think of the good things, personally.. i think of my loved ones most, my mum.. my buddies, my frens, my basketball, my team.. it makes u feel a hell lot better and lifts u up a lot.. 2nd worst case scenario.. if u can't think of anything.. then find someone and TALK!! there will definitely be someone.. i dun believe there's anyone that doesn't has any frens and parents are unavailable.. you definitely gotta have one of those 2's i'm lucky to have both :) and if u really really really can't find any single soul to talk to, then BLOG.. blog out all ur feelings, blog out all ur anger, complain (in a legal way) about how things happen and why.. but always do think back on wad u did after u are done blogging and done ranting and done complaining and done whining..
i dunno if i'm being too optimistic here but, its always better to be and opti then pessi.. opti at most u take things too lightly, but being pessi might lead u to the wrong way.. so please please my dear peeps, cheer up cause there's always a reason and faster turn ur steering wheel if u're heading the wrong direction.. follow my direction at least, it would make u feel much happier :D
last but not least, if nothing else mentioned above works, think of ME whahaha and u'll smile like how i do :D
by hong ; 11:51 AM
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