happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to eVa......... happy... birth... day.... tooooooooo you~!!!
yup, 1 year older le.. so happy birthday :)
wondering what i could update.. HMMMMMMMM today is friday, very sianz.. nv go out -.-" not my style lehx~ the reason?! NO DATE =.=" tot could play pool with gene and the bio class gang.. but turn out they went else where -_- so i go home loe.. play my games :)
i just realized that i actually spend a lot when i have my atm card with me.. a lot as in my context of 'a lot', not the ladies idea of how 'a lot' is suppose to be.. i mean when i have my atm card with me, i tend to buy things that i like but wun use =.=" i guess this is typical 'hong' style.. no wonder my mum says i wun be able to save money HAHA guess thats quite true.. cause i was thinking back in my FYPJ lab (nothing to do la!) of the things that i bought.. from bdae presents to bball shoes to my spending in msia to daily shopping @ NYP cheers.. and now i'm going shopping for new year clothes real soon.. really spend quite a lot le hmmmm have to cut down if not will die one!!! guess shall end here :P will update if there is any interesting stuffs for my new year countdown :)
Name: Lim Hong
Gender: Male
Birthday: 20th Oct 1986
A.k.a: ahdot, dotty, hong
Msn: hongdotty@hotmail.com
Friendster: hongie_1020@yahoo.com.sg
Facebook: hongdotty@hotmail.com
Hobbies: bball, pool, exercise, club and booze
Marital Status: attached
School: National Slavery Foundation