A very happy 19th birthday to Eugene Pang. Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to eugene........ Happy birthday to you.. (sings in stylo R&B style :P)
*To eugene: you're 19 liao, like all of the 86' babies, you're celebrating your last bdae with the digit '1' starting, so its time to party :) may your dreams come true and hope you'll have your lucks with the ladies (you know wad i mean) stay happy and healthy.. enjoy this special occasion :D
yes i know its been 6 days since i last updated and i know this is not my typical 'hong' style -.-" i HAVE EXCUSES OK~!! cause i am sick and i am LAZY!!! ok mabbe lazy is not considered as an excuse but hey, i'm really getting lazier and lazier.. cause now my office cannot update blog because my computer monitor is facing towards the door and the door is open =.=" i dun wanna get caught for updating my blog LOL oh and the poor handsome hong is sick, this time is VERY sick, vomited and had diarrhea and had fever last nite.. so this morning suppose to take mc but i still went for work just because my LO is coming to visit us for the presentation AND i do not want my grades to be affected because of my absense.. went home after the presentation ended at around 10+ then continue sleep until 3 pm LOL now feeling very weak all over, as if i would breakdown anytime :( and my appetite was sucky, i can't even finish the guo tiao mee that my mum bought for me OMG nothing must happen to me!!! I WILL SURVIVE!!!
a fast recap, yesterday's ball semi we lost, TERRIBLY but still wun regret anything :) ok done with recap, i'm feeling dam tired to do any blogging so shall end here :)
Name: Lim Hong
Gender: Male
Birthday: 20th Oct 1986
A.k.a: ahdot, dotty, hong
Msn: hongdotty@hotmail.com
Friendster: hongie_1020@yahoo.com.sg
Facebook: hongdotty@hotmail.com
Hobbies: bball, pool, exercise, club and booze
Marital Status: attached
School: National Slavery Foundation