recently found out that a lot of my friends are trying to get past the downhill of life, dun worry if you're one of them, not naming names here.. so relax :)
well well.. i've been pessimistic before and i know it sux being pessi, u will just keep thinking that the whole damn world let u down, the whole world dun understand u, the whole world doesn't care for you, the whole god damn world owes you.. at least thats how i feel when i'm pessi, but always remember that being pessimistic will lead to depression, and depression leads to suicide.. so please please cheer up guys and gals.. i know IPP/FYPJ sux, i know it sux to see your loved ones quarrel, i know it sux that you have to work for more then 10 hours a day, i know it sux that u quarrelled with your bf/gf, i know it sux to have monday blues, i know it sux to fail ur 2.4km, i know it sux that you're still single after 19 years (well i' the same :D), i KNOW IT ALL cause i experienced all of them before.. mabbe i can't understand about quarrelling with bf/gf part.. but its about the same feeling la.. dun ask me how i know the feeling, I JUST KNOW IT! =P
think positivity, turn negative into positive (quoted from Air Jordan's dad), think of the happy things.. when u know that u're going into the pessimistic state, jump out of it or u'll be stucked (ASOS said that), give urself a reason to smile, there DEFINITELY WILL BE A REASON.. dun say 'NO there is no reason', there will always be.. for me, i think of my mum a lot when i'm down, i think of how she cared for me when i'm down, i think of how she give in to my 'ren xing' when i wanted something so much, i think of how she wake up earlier in the morning like mabbe 6.30 am to prepare breakfast for me whether she is working or not, i think of how she slogged her whole damn day off but yet prepared or buy dinner for me, i think of how she nagged at me when i'm out partying late.. see, i'm single parented since primary 1.. PRIMARY 1!!! yet i could be this optimistic.. ever since primary 1 to primary 6, i've been MOCKED at for being single parent.. and i do mean MOCK, those mindless kids would always say i'm 'bo bei bo bu' which means no father no mother in hokkien.. they would say my results sux because i'm single parent, fine cause they are outsiders, some of my fucked up relatives actually gossiped behind my mums back, telling outsiders that my mum is divorced.. HEY, i'm proud of that ok!!! she single handedly raised 2 boys that grew up to 180 minimum.. imagine that effort?!?! thats genius in her own way k!!! opps, i think i digressed.. see, almost everytime when i think of all this when i'm down, i will cheer up.. if u can't think this way, then think of pple around u, your best buddies, your frens, your brothers/sisters etc etc.. this is the another thing i think of when i'm down, i think of how they would support me when i fall (as in emotionally, physical fall would only make them luff till their pants drop -.-") i think of how they would listen to my rants and complains, i think of how we know each other, i think of how our relationship(s) grew till this stage, i think of how we're going to attend each other's wedding in future and be part of the wedding gang, i think of how i went to their house and made a mess, i think of the mahjongs that we played together, i think of how we always joke with each other, i think of the online games we played, i think of how we quarrelled but in the end gave in to one another, i think of how we made sacrifices for one another, i think of how they lent me $$ when i need it even though they are broke themselfs, i think of the birthday's they celebrated for me, i think of the presents they gave me.. thinking all this made your depression go away, it makes u feel that all this so called 'sufferings' that you're going thru is worth it, cause there's a reason for you to work, study, run, play etc etc.. its like u may not be doing those things for them but u feel its worth living this life with all this good things around.. oh worst case scenario, u can't think of frens and mum.. then think of the food u ate, how nice it tasted, think of the money u earned, think of the internet at home, think of ur hp/mp3 player that u owned, think of how u're going to buy the things u like, think of how to get a girl's/guy's number on the street, think of how wonderful singapore is because it is without natural disasters, think of sky, sea etc etc.. just think of the good things, personally.. i think of my loved ones most, my mum.. my buddies, my frens, my basketball, my team.. it makes u feel a hell lot better and lifts u up a lot.. 2nd worst case scenario.. if u can't think of anything.. then find someone and TALK!! there will definitely be someone.. i dun believe there's anyone that doesn't has any frens and parents are unavailable.. you definitely gotta have one of those 2's i'm lucky to have both :) and if u really really really can't find any single soul to talk to, then BLOG.. blog out all ur feelings, blog out all ur anger, complain (in a legal way) about how things happen and why.. but always do think back on wad u did after u are done blogging and done ranting and done complaining and done whining..
i dunno if i'm being too optimistic here but, its always better to be and opti then pessi.. opti at most u take things too lightly, but being pessi might lead u to the wrong way.. so please please my dear peeps, cheer up cause there's always a reason and faster turn ur steering wheel if u're heading the wrong direction.. follow my direction at least, it would make u feel much happier :D
last but not least, if nothing else mentioned above works, think of ME whahaha and u'll smile like how i do :D
Name: Lim Hong
Gender: Male
Birthday: 20th Oct 1986
A.k.a: ahdot, dotty, hong
Hobbies: bball, pool, exercise, club and booze
Marital Status: attached
School: National Slavery Foundation