[ eskibar cancelled ]
Thursday, June 01, 2006
rant of the day:
i wanna go out!!!!! i wanna play poool!!!!!!! i wanna play bball!!!!!! so many things yet so little time...
last nite was suppose to be chilling out at eskibar.. with eugene and his classmates and frens haha but in the end cancelled~ details i dunno.. but we ended up playing pool at monstercue until it close :P and uncle was kind enough to give us an extra table to play for free.. ya but we din played for long cause he is closing and we're pai seh to stay on and play for that free table.. oh and i saw a hard casing for my cue that cost only $28 OMG!!! i wan it!!!
anyway, last nite before sleeping, i was counting on the number of things i will miss and GOSH!!! its damn a lot!!! lets not talk about the usual peeps i will miss.. ya my family, my girlfriend and my brothers~ those are by default i will miss them lol so lets just make up a list of things outside of those..
i will definitely miss monstercue!! its one of the best place to play pool.. excellent ambience, clean environment, nice tables, comfy sofa, affordable rates, nice uncle (boss) etc etc etc.. oh gosh!! i will miss the crapings we had with uncle.. miss the nice nice tables :( and uncle always give us discount when playing hehe
2. My Kj
its my cue for those who din know about it.. i left it at monstercue's locker~ damn one of these days if i get to buy the cheap hard case, i gonna take it back home lol anyway this cue enhances my game.. how can i not miss it?? argh!! now when i play pool i will have to use my cue if not i wun play most of the times LOL
3. My PC
damn!!! does tekong have PC?? argh!
4. My internet
i bet tekong doesn't have internet for us to use.. cause they dun even have PCs :( internet has become an essential vitamin for me~ i use it almost everyday.. for blogging, chit chatting on msn blah blah blah blah blah blah..
5. My bed
bet most peeps will miss their own beds too.. tekong's bed is gonna be so uncomfortable :(
6. My fan
it has been working 24/7 for me when i stay home the whole week.. cause when i sleep i use it, when i play computer i also have to use it and normally when i wake up i will online hhaa and when i offline i will sleep :P
7. Camera fone
although my fone only have a bloody VGA camera, but its good enough for me to play with.. when i go into army, i have to use my brother's bloody lousy non-camera lok kok fone :(
8. My ball
no not like my BALLS.. its my basketball i'll miss, even more this time..
9. My toilet
damn i love my toilet.. its not the coolest toilet in the world but i'm still kinda attach to it :( tekong's toilet must be damn dirty i bet!!! oh and there's no cubicle when i bathe so i think my backside is at risk!!! :(
10. My specs
i will have to wear that bloody nerdy specs i always wear when i play bball~ argh.. i hate that specs.. cause its so nerdy and so uncomfy..
11. My fridge
my mum always stock up lots of food inside.. do i need to explain further? :P
12. My microwave oven
i love my microwave cause it heats up the food i have in the fridge :D
basically thats all.. quite a lot isn't it?? and i'm still not counting in the peeps OMG!!! how i wish i can have BMTC at home LOL i promise i will do 10 sets of excercise.. no no, make it 20 *cross fingers* lol argh.. so sianz~ last 9 days of my freedom :(
by hong ; 2:29 PM
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