[ end of my 2 weeks confinement ]
Sunday, June 25, 2006
rant of the day:
on my way back home just now, a really kind auntie offered me a halls sweet cause i was having really really bad cough.. such kind people never exist in tekong :X anyway, thanks red shirt auntie :D
YOZ!!! wazzup?!?!?! i'm BACK!! whahaha my 2 weeks of confinement finally ends today.. everyone is so happy today.. cause afterall for the majority, its their 1st bookout.. i've already booked out before cause of my graduation ceremony~ :P so i wasn't really confined for 2 weeks straight whaha
anyway, army life has been pretty much good for me.. nowadays guys should learn how to appreciate how bloody fortunate they are~ the welfare given is almost taken for granted by most teenagers.. thinking back on my NCC years, i use to tell my cadets that they should EARN their welfare.. but now its GIVEN for free -.-" dammit, my ex-NCC sec 1 boys can march better then us and are so much more disciplined.. i can't believe it!! some idiots just don't get it.. you in NS now!!! face the fucking fact that you'll be tied down by military rules and regulations, and dun sabo the whole god damn platoon please!!! just like this morning, we got our 1st official punishment from our platoon sergeant.. stand by area (a term meaning to check our bunks and make sure its clean) at 0730.. and there are still some farkers who just dun wanna coorperate.. still bloody moving around when platoon sergeant arrived -.-" can't they just keep track of the time?? can't they see that majority of the platoon have formed up outside the corridor ready for the inspection??? in the end, we got the taste of NS life.. so in the end who wins?? the platoon sergeant la -.-" show some farking discipline please!!! you're grown-ups who can think.. show the bad attitude at a bad time = being punished until you can't stand it.. and in NS, when one person does something wrong, normally the whole platoon gets punished together.. argh~!! i simply hate people who can't coorperate.. i mean there are times where you can joke and laugh with the superiors but when its time to be serious, please do!! i can't imagine life after we book in tomorrow.. oh and did i mentioned that we are not allowed to be punished for the 1st 2 weeks?? during the 1st 2 weeks, its the so-called orientation week, aka adjustment period.. its for nooblets who know nuts about NS life to get adjusted to it.. ya great eh?? see wad i mean by welfare?? this is the welfare i'm talking about.. NS life is suppose to be a training for guys to be man, not a god damn chalet but now, SAF has made it a chalet for the 1st 2 weeks LOL.. even i, also slackened down in this 2 weeks..
argh enough of the crappy stuffs.. lets talk about the welfare we had~ the beds are simply good.. its not just a thin layer of mattress, its a 12cm thick SPRING mattress.. WTF?!?! when i was in NCC, i never ever slept on spring mattresses in camp.. then the duffle bags now are so much more cooler.. they even had WHEELIES ON IT!!!! its as if you're going overseas.. wah lao~ my brothers duffle bag simply look like a condom.. an extra x100 one that is~ and now when the sun is too hot, our sergeants will try to move us to a shade as much as possible.. dammit how am i gonna get darker?? oh and they bloody hell feed us like pigs (no offense to muslims) its filling enough and now i've gained 7kg.. yes no doubt, 7KG!!! i think my wish to lose weight have to put on hold.. depending on how the training goes after i reach my BMT phase.. and now the canteens even have survey to ask the NS man if the food is nice blah blah blah.. definitely its not as good as homecooked food~ but the standard is still there.. its still tasty enough and still very very much edible.. i think talking about welfare will never end.. there's simply too much to talk about, but i'm just comparing the past.. not comparing the civillian world~
oh ya and in cougar company, my platoon hit a game high of 16 attend Bs (report sick and excuse from wadeva fuck shit you can think of) other platoon barely hit 15, 10 is the next highest.. waaaaaa you can imagine the amount of chao gengs we have in our platoon LOL.. i'm not implying that all of them are, but certainly a few black sheeps are chao genging haha and in my bunk, one of my section mate got OOT (out of training), in other words~ he need not do anything physical.. admin work will suffice for his NS life.. woah!! a letter from a specialist outside saved him from tough physical work lol and till now i still dunno where he got injured.. when we asked him, he himself also dunno -.-" makes me just wonder wads farking wrong with him.. he's a big guy~ as big as me but just shorter and smaller a bit.. is it because he had a broken leg?? or is it because he's got a broken center leg?? or is it because he's got miniatured center leg?? LOL i've been thinking about wads wrong with him ever since i heard he got OOT.. HAHAHAHA although its none of my business but hey, i'm a pure breed singaporean :P being kaypo is just another feature of me :) then the other guy in my bunk got 28 days attend B just a few days ago.. DAMN!!! thats a whole month.. but reasonable because he's got back injuries~ BUT!! he dun wanna be attend B for the whole month.. cause that would mean OOT~ so he managed to get the normal status back 2 days ago.. and he is damn happy~ LOL i'm happy for him too.. look, this is call effort.. he at least makes an effort to try and see if he could manage the trainings~ this effort from him puts a lot of those farkers to shame.. and i'm glad that he is in my bunk :)
for now, our section is still considered the top 2 out of 4 in our platoon.. haha eh btw, in the other platoon, there's this sissy (i dunno if she he is gay or not) who have been the talk of cougar company LOL at 1st, my platoon mates called her mary.. but ever since the after IPPT catergorisation test, i decided to call him G.I. JANE!!! she.. i mean HE is damn fit!!! 2.4 timing is better then at least 70% of the company~~!!! DAMN.. i feel so shameful~! LOL
ya and you peeps must be thinking if i met with any weird stuffs on tekong rite?? well, din personally feel their presense yet.. but my bunk has had a few weird experiences.. all of it i have yet to experience it myself but about 4 bunk mates have confirmed the incidents.. shall write in point form~
- the bed just directly opposite me.. weird female laughter coming out from the metal cupboard late at night.. around 1 am~ bed beside it heard the laughter and asked the buddy on the other side if he heard it.. at 1st no, but after awhile~ he also heard it.. so there's 2 witness to this~
- sound of people marching on spot.. around 1am or 2am~ heard by the 2nd bed of the bunk, on the left side when you enter the room.. only he heard it cause the rest of us are sleeping..
- my bed.. weird female laughter coming out from my metal cupboard late at night.. time i dunno.. cause it happened when i booked out.. guy sleeping beside me heard it and told the rest of the bunk mates..
- 4th one.. heard people having water parade late at nite, around 2am.. just friday only.. the same guy who heard people marching on spot witness to this~ but i lied to most of the peeps saying that apache company is having range.. which will be very late~ but that happened on thursday, not friday.. and even if its range, i dun think they will conduct water parade so late at night..
ya thats about it.. none of which i witness and experienced~ neither will i wanna experience such stuffs LOL i always believe that if we leave them alone to do their own things, they wun disturb us either.. so lets just live in peace and dun think so much la LOl
getting tired.. shall continue my NS stories again the next time i blog.. nite peeps~
by hong ; 12:18 AM
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[ last post before officially NS ]
Saturday, June 10, 2006
rant of the day:
time passes so fast.. do miss me guys :) cause i know i'll be missing u all..
damn tml i'm going into tekong liao :( actually to be exact its about 8 more hours to go.. enough said of missing this and that~
anyway my blog'll be updated as soon as i come out from tekong.. that does not include grad day :P so check back weekly ba.. :) but i believe thats only for this 3 months in BMTC..
just went for dinner with the usual peeps.. ya they wanted to celebrate me finally going into army and will be out of the way have the so-called last dinner before army with me lol thanks for the treat guys.. i love it :) oh and u peeps do take care.. i'll contact u guys once i'm out of that island~ reminds me of xian rong's nick LOL survivor: TEKONG hahahahaha crap!!!
oh and baby dun worry bout me cause i'll be damn alright.. my ass will be fine so no worries :X
anyway a quick recap of wad happened today.. baby went over to my house for the last 2 episodes of er mo.. its a 'ou xiang ju' for those who dunno~ then met my mum at AMK central for dinner.. went guardian, bought some NS needed stuffs then went to the department store for my undies.. i'm kiasu cause i bought 14 sets of undies in.. or is it 15?? *shrugs* after that went home, pack some stuffs and realised that i have lots of stuffs unpacked.. luckily my mum check thru with me lol and guess wad happened??? i was sitting on my bed, then went baby came over and sat on it, *CRACK* damn!!! the plank broke.. not like just normal broke.. its the whole damn nail came off.. baby's not that heavy~ so is it me?? hmmmm i dun remember having erotic nites with baby yet leh.. so dun think its our fault~ anyway the bed is really old.. like 8-10 years?? i'm kinda attach to it haha but it broke at the rite time la.. the nite before i go into army :( anyway, after a while went to meet gene they all for 2nd dinner.. before that went to by my swimming trunks~ and no dun guess.. i did not buy those sexy triangular ones, i dun want unnecessary attention.. u noe wad i mean here lol my asshole needs no enlargement excercise haha anyway i bought the square type ones.. totally not sexy and turn off for any females OR MALES.. but still reasonably nice lol then was late meeting the guys at amk station.. sorry, din meant to be late cause stupid sportslink close so early and make me walk one big round lol.. after dinner sent baby to amk station, walk back to coffee shop for desert then home sweet home :)
shall go to bed now.. nite guys~ au revoir and do miss me!!!!! haha i'll be back soon :)
by hong ; 12:26 AM
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[ sick ]
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
damn i'm sick
down with slight fever :(
now waiting for baby to come over.. this few days have been meeting up with her~ cause after this saturday, she'll have to wait for 2 weeks before we can meet :(
anyway, yesterday went to watch x-man:the last stand.. not very very nice~ i'm expecting more.. 3 out of 5 dots i give, cause storyline very sian.. damn cyclops only appeared for like 15 mins in the movie and he died -.-" professor X slightly better, appeared for about 30 mins? LOL and he died too :P both killed by jean grey's other side, phoenix.. damn when the Old X guy was fighting with phoenix, u could see the power of 2 high level mutants.. even magneto couldn't fight that power.. but still, old x lost.. but he's still the next strongest mutant other than phoenix in the movie, cause he's the only one who could fight her for this long LOL.. oh and the show has some really lame parts.. like wolverine's speed of recovery increased so damn much.. that phoenix can't kill him -.-" and who the hell is that guy with wings?? no doubt when he is not flying, he looks like an angel.. but when he takes flight, he look like a god damn BIRD!!! and his mutant abilities are one of the more useless ones.. the only thing he could do is fly around, and look good when he does not fly LOL and of course the most useless mutant gotta be the one that helps to on the TV without using remote control -.-" damn.. i think old x is very selfish haha cause those that can fight are taken into the x-man forces whereas those useless fucks like the one who ons tv gets to study in sch and learn that mutants and humans can co-exist.. its so lame LOL anyway this movie is only worth watching for the graphics and continuation of the story.. thats all~
not in the mood to blog in typical 'hong' fashion right now.. feeling weak all over :( oh and i wanna go out even though i'm sick.. cause my days are numbered :X
by hong ; 4:06 PM
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[ looking same ]
Monday, June 05, 2006
rant of the day:
damn.. li sheng jie is probably the best chinese male vocal ever..
recently i got to know an online fren, know her thru pangya.. she's 15 this year, sec 3.. very into jap stuffs which really makes me think that she may be nuts :X pretty childish and kiddo.. she added me on msn and invited me to join frenster.. as my frenster account's email is different, i went on to add her in my frens list.. then just recently, she made a comment about my pictures in msn and frenster.. and now, I AM SO SAD :( she said that my msn picture looks younger and thinner comparing the rest of my frenster pics which looks older and rounder :(
so for those who chatted with me on msn in this 2 weeks, you guys should noticed that i changed my picture to the one with a cap on.. my narcissistic side of me took over and chose the youngest looking and cutiest picture of all those that i took on the same day when i changed my msn pic.. but consciously i know all of the pictures looks as young and as cute :P so now i'm gonna make a comparison.. will be showing you guys the picture of me that she said looks younger, my normal pictures that she claimed to be older looking and me 5 yrs ago when i'm REALLY young and cute and handsome but still look the same.. i'm gonna prove her wrong :D
this is the picture of me recently that she said looks younger:

looks younger??
this is my normal picture which i believe she thinks looks older and rounder:

it's the same lor!!!
and now this is a picture of me 5 years ago, taken in a studio by professionals:

NO DOUBT it's the same!! *nods head*
see?!?!?! NO DIFFERENCE!!!!!!!! i still look the same in every picture..

double confirms!@!@!!! *nods head again*
well maybe 5 years ago i look darker and slightly slimmer but thats because of my CCA!!! i'm from NCC remember?? :D thats why i'm darker and slimmer 5 years ago.. maybe i look better but thats because it is taken professionally.. but i still look almost the same.. damn!!! i've proven her wrong!!! oh and those who still insisting on agreeing with her, you peeps should consult an eye specialist.. :X
for the idiots and dumbasses and retards, the 3rd picture obviously is not me -.-" its louis khoo, that guy who looked like me :P
by hong ; 10:32 PM
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[ gatherings ]
Sunday, June 04, 2006
rant of the day:
babes are everywhere at east coast!!!! *drools* hmmm how come i have a feeling baby is looking at me with 'sha qi'? o.o
today went for 'class gathering' at east coast park.. lots of people there~ guess sunday's family day thus the crowd.. ya and lots of hunks and BABES!!! gosh its so damn hot.. i mean the weather :P *pun unintended* haha anyway we ordered KFC for lunch and played freesbie.. oh the freesbie almost broke into 2 LOL!!! anyway after lunch, had some foto-taking and chit chatting.. then off we went to cycle~ and damn cynthia can't roller blade fast and neither does she knows how to cycle.. HAHAHA so me and her took a double seat bicycle.. its so damn scary cause i'm the one balancing the whole thing~ argh!!! but anyway quite a nice experience :) after that i went off 1st to meet baby.. went to SBC watch bball match again haha quite nice.. saw so many weirdos today haha aaron's team opponent, millenia institude, had lots of really KIDDO and WIERDO players LOL and we kept making fun of them hahahaha oh and one scene i saw was a player crash with his own teammate while WARMING UP!!! OMG!!!!!!! its just a damn warm up but they actually could crash and fall flat on ground together.. imagine in game?!?! ya and the whole team literally screw up their game.. not saying they are screw ups, they just screwed it up.. lOL then after that we were watching another match and DAMN!!! the guy beside me just wouldn't shuddup.. he's like all out to impress his girlfriend and keep on saying the referee sux and the players sux -.-" like as if he is in any position to comment.. i mean its alright to comment once a while but his 7/11 ak47 style of commenting really irks me off ARGH!!! totally crap! shall end here.. damn tired~ will put up some fotos if i have the time and mood for it.. so if i dun have the mood means i wun put it up ya so.. that shall be it..
by hong ; 11:20 PM
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[ eskibar cancelled ]
Thursday, June 01, 2006
rant of the day:
i wanna go out!!!!! i wanna play poool!!!!!!! i wanna play bball!!!!!! so many things yet so little time...
last nite was suppose to be chilling out at eskibar.. with eugene and his classmates and frens haha but in the end cancelled~ details i dunno.. but we ended up playing pool at monstercue until it close :P and uncle was kind enough to give us an extra table to play for free.. ya but we din played for long cause he is closing and we're pai seh to stay on and play for that free table.. oh and i saw a hard casing for my cue that cost only $28 OMG!!! i wan it!!!
anyway, last nite before sleeping, i was counting on the number of things i will miss and GOSH!!! its damn a lot!!! lets not talk about the usual peeps i will miss.. ya my family, my girlfriend and my brothers~ those are by default i will miss them lol so lets just make up a list of things outside of those..
i will definitely miss monstercue!! its one of the best place to play pool.. excellent ambience, clean environment, nice tables, comfy sofa, affordable rates, nice uncle (boss) etc etc etc.. oh gosh!! i will miss the crapings we had with uncle.. miss the nice nice tables :( and uncle always give us discount when playing hehe
2. My Kj
its my cue for those who din know about it.. i left it at monstercue's locker~ damn one of these days if i get to buy the cheap hard case, i gonna take it back home lol anyway this cue enhances my game.. how can i not miss it?? argh!! now when i play pool i will have to use my cue if not i wun play most of the times LOL
3. My PC
damn!!! does tekong have PC?? argh!
4. My internet
i bet tekong doesn't have internet for us to use.. cause they dun even have PCs :( internet has become an essential vitamin for me~ i use it almost everyday.. for blogging, chit chatting on msn blah blah blah blah blah blah..
5. My bed
bet most peeps will miss their own beds too.. tekong's bed is gonna be so uncomfortable :(
6. My fan
it has been working 24/7 for me when i stay home the whole week.. cause when i sleep i use it, when i play computer i also have to use it and normally when i wake up i will online hhaa and when i offline i will sleep :P
7. Camera fone
although my fone only have a bloody VGA camera, but its good enough for me to play with.. when i go into army, i have to use my brother's bloody lousy non-camera lok kok fone :(
8. My ball
no not like my BALLS.. its my basketball i'll miss, even more this time..
9. My toilet
damn i love my toilet.. its not the coolest toilet in the world but i'm still kinda attach to it :( tekong's toilet must be damn dirty i bet!!! oh and there's no cubicle when i bathe so i think my backside is at risk!!! :(
10. My specs
i will have to wear that bloody nerdy specs i always wear when i play bball~ argh.. i hate that specs.. cause its so nerdy and so uncomfy..
11. My fridge
my mum always stock up lots of food inside.. do i need to explain further? :P
12. My microwave oven
i love my microwave cause it heats up the food i have in the fridge :D
basically thats all.. quite a lot isn't it?? and i'm still not counting in the peeps OMG!!! how i wish i can have BMTC at home LOL i promise i will do 10 sets of excercise.. no no, make it 20 *cross fingers* lol argh.. so sianz~ last 9 days of my freedom :(
by hong ; 2:29 PM
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