[ happy 1st month ]
Monday, February 27, 2006
this post is dedicated to my dearest kelly and her only.. so if u continue to read, and things get a little mushy, dun blame me.. READ AT UR OWN RISK :P
we have been happily together for 1 month le, 32 days to be exact.. although both of us still need a lil more time to really understand each other better, but i believe things will work out for us.. you have been really understanding for this whole month and not complaining about me playing game too much, and i really do appreciate that a lot :)
Having a relationship is tough, maintaining one is tougher.. but i believe that we can maintain this relationship for as long as we want, i will always be there for you when you need me (or not), i'll try my best to understand you better.. i love you more and more and MORE as each day passes, i miss you more for every single day i can't get to see you.. i've forgotten how it feels like to really love someone until you came, appeared in front of me and became my better half.. you've added colors in my life.. although i'm unable to promise you anything big right now, but right now what i can tell you is..
I LOVE YOUand i will really cherish this relationship.. till death do us part :)
yup thats all.. ok la, actually not too mushy also haha~ satyed up until 12am just for the sake of blogging this kz?!?! so dear dun blame me for lying to you that i gone to bed :x i'm gonna go sleep liao.. nites peeps
by hong ; 11:53 PM
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last friday went to play mahjong at zai house.. lost, TERRIBLY -.-" luck just not with me lor.. saturday woke up then play diablo liao, fun fun fun :D char lvl increase quite a lot and i found a lot not bad items :D can give my merc use if gene doesn't need it whahaha.. sunday went to play tennis and bball, super shag~ after that went to have dinner then soya bean time :D pretty much pissed off this few days -.-" *just not in the mood for jokes*
today went to school early in the morning.. 8.25 reach school liao, ever since FYPJ started, i've never ever woke up that early and reach school that early also lol.. but this week is the unofficial last week of my studies and i dun wanna get caught for being late.. i mean getting caught for lame shits like that is really STUPID.. especially for the last week whereby they start to grade u on ur performance :P anyway, i think ervina has serious problem with my MSN nick :X today part of my nick goes something like 'Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away' then she message me.. telling me LIFE IS MEASURED BY RULER -.-" then previously part of my nick goes 'i somehow find you and i collide' she message me and asked.. wads collide?? who collided?? why collided??? mabbe not that many questions but it just seems that retarded way LOL :X no offence whaha.. oh and i think today my supervisor gonna dua me again :( last friday told us that monday will come find us.. but today until now haven come so i can assume he really dua us liao..
oh ya yesterday during soya bean time talked about chalet :D gonna have chalet with my brother side soon :P so long no chalet le whahaha the bbq food and the lame game whahaha looking forward to it.. although nothing is confirmed but still looking forward to it :)
by hong ; 3:25 PM
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[ pink panther ]
Friday, February 24, 2006
tuesday went to watch pink panther with dear.. damn hilarious~ 4/5 dots movie, worth watching on weekends.. can really give u a good luff LOL i laughed all the way from start to end :X
met dear on PS on tuesday 6 plus lidat.. went to buy tix after she reached, then walk walk a while~ after that go in see movie liao.. and the stupid sell ticket girl let us sit with another couple -.-" she should let us space out a bit ma lol :X anyway enjoyed the movie lots.. but the seats are not very comfy~ think cine is still the best :D after movie went to eat BK yum yum then wanted to play pool after that BUT forgot dear wearing uniform.. and we walked to meridien liao =.=" although uncle allow us borrow but i dun wan cause its like kinda unhygienic ya know~!! so din get to play pool lol.. continue walk walk then dear called her mama o.o went to find her mum, auntie and dad.. think they pretty shocked to see us holding hands, cause dear only told them she is going out with FRIENDS lol and not BOYFRIEND :X and i could see her auntie mouth open look at us hold hand walk towards them lol so funny.. her mum also shocked but not as shocked as the aunt lol the dad kinda quiet.. and i tot he was angry~ phew.. yes i blushed a little, i admit ok!!!! then her mum, dad and aunt took bus and we went to take MRT.. sent baby to boon lay~ and din take bus with her.. cause she scared no last train :( ya so she went to take bus and i took train home..
weds, literally pon school whole day :X went to do SSDC btt practice.. omg and i fail twice.. then after that played pool then went home liao~ -.-" nothing much happened actually..
yesterday was boring too.. nothing happen also~ oh and jun just threw a bloody water bottle towards me.. lucky i siam :X oh btw did i mentioned i decided not to sign police liao?? ya.. cause family gave a lot of negative reactions and told me about the bad things of signing police hmmm guess this time i made the right choice ba.. at least now i dun have to think of how to distribute my time evenly among my brother family, my family and dear.. so this time ain't gonna regret :)
gonna stop here.. getting bored~
by hong ; 11:18 AM
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[ i got high ]
Monday, February 20, 2006
woosh~ some recaps on wad i did, that i remembered though lol..
chomp chomp dinner with family cancelled, went to meet dear at boon lay for dinner, watched The Fog.. seriously sux, 2/5 dots movie.. worth downloading only, the whole story is pretty lame.. not scary at all, lousy computer graphics and effects.. ya and we watched at jurong point GV, me and dear feel so uncomfy with the seats lol.. its so small!!!! -.-" after watching went to eat mac.. then about to finish that time, eugene called me up.. he just finished his OT work then ask me go pei him eat, so waited bus with dear then she went home i went find gene at chomp chomp~ share sting ray with him and quan.. after that went gene house, BORED!@!! slack and play games until 3 am then took cab home.. reach home sleep then woke up at dunno wad time..
went zai house in the night.. met dear 9pm at amk control station, actually dun wan her come le.. cause she just work finish then next day have to work again.. then can't bear to see her tired tired ma~ but she insist on coming so.. ya met her le then went aunt house, the rest arrived late also.. in fact all of us are late lOL quan reached at 4am.. LATEST! :X that day drank a lot.. really a lot a lot!! thats the result of trying too hard to be hero -.-" sorry dear.. made u worry, played 7 up~ murderer etc etc.. then kanna sabo drank a 1/3 vodka OMG! that made me go HIGH.. then went to take bus at around 7 am lidat.. some how when i am high that time, i feel that the whole world is spinning.. and there's only me and dear -.-" and when dear took 22 home and i took 76 home, i had the feeling that she left me :( HATE IT!! but nvm cause thats just because i'm kind of on the drunk side.. took 76 home then slept until 2+++++ i think....
woke up with a serious headache, i guess thats what they call a hang over ba.. then before having my lunch, vomited some alcoholic content.. then ate lunch, vomit again~ feeling damn sux.. my lunch all come out but felt so much better.. around 5 lidat went to spring play tennis.. din really play much though.. then had bball.. omg~ after bball had a bit headache~ too hungry :P then went to eat dinner with quan.. go home slept early @ 10.30pm..
today woke up early :P cause had enuff sleep.. miss dear so much, tml going see her :P hehe.. saturday chit chatted with dave and quan after bball oh and the 2 sisters, kelly and leslie.. talked about osama and bush stuffs (i dunno wad we're thinking then) heard from dave that bush actually was the one who planned the 11th september bomb thing.. oh and he also told me that the tsunami is most probably done by bush~ i seriously can't believe it.. i mean i dun think wad he said was totally bullshit.. but without any media reporting it, i find it so unbelievable.. mabbe the 911 bombing is possible.. but the tsunami??? i can't believe that the current technology is so god damn advanced to create that wave that swept so many countries.. and if peeps have proof against that farking bush then why din they stand up against him?? i believe that there's a lot of peeps who hate bush knows about these inside stuffs but why din anyone stand up against him?? he should be burned in hell if he did something so cruel.. and he dun deserve to be the president of US if wad dave told me is true.. i've never really gotten myself into this kind of politic shits but this news came and got me so into politics now.. its like there are so many people who claim to be doing things for the country but how many seriously did it with heart?? look at taiwan.. those politicians, can you even call them politicians??? they fight, swear and bribe.. and all they did is for the sake of themselves.. those are not politicians, those are a bunch of disgraceful peeps to their country.. look at bush, up till now.. nothing but war~ he contributed nothing yet.. and i dunno why he is still the president -.-" look at indonesia.. the country is now seriously so rotten beyond hope.. look at osama, people praying to him like he is god but he is actually a devil.. there's so many 'politicians' that is unfit to be labelled that~ they seriously need to think it over.. those are people ruling the world.. those are people who make decisions that indirectly affect my life~ and those are people who might most probably be the most corrupted people ever lived..
oh btw.. NYP's scandal is spread so widely that its on straits times liao -.-" the news is so big now OMG!!!!! shall end here le.. so lethargic~
by hong ; 1:37 PM
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[ ns man = despo man ]
Thursday, February 16, 2006
this is something hilarious.. here's wad happened~
a few days back, some guy in friendster called Desmond added me, well i have 2 desmonds inside.. its the one with a lot of cartoon pictures -.-" after adding me in friendster, he proceeded to add me in msn.. and initially i was like~ who the hell is this guy?? is he gay?? is he interested in my asshole??? was wondering if i had a primary school fren called desmond, but i din.. kindergarden?? neither did i have, even if i did i would have forgotten and he would have forgotten.. so i drew a conclusion that we din know each other at ALL.. and i assume that he is just another attention seeker who hopes to have like 25 frenster accounts each full of 'frens'.. so that din bothered me until i saw him online, then i was really curious.. so i initiate to ask him 'do i know you?' and he replied 'no' so i was thinking ok, this convo should end here no matter wad.. cause i'm a guy, and he should have seen it in my pictures, even if he is gay he should have seen the picture of me and my girlfren, and perish the tot of converting me to a gay.. BUT, he seem so interested in me -.-" he asked about the basic stuffs like where i stay.. height and weight, name blah blah blah.. so ok i tot i should be the usual friendly hong~ then replied his questions.. then today things got a bit wierd~ this part of the convo shall say it all.. this is part of the convo.. starting is the usual 'hi', 'hello' stuffs.. here goes, orange is me green is him..
[08:25:55 PM] nice 2 noe u: boring now finding ppl chat 2 waste e time...
[08:26:17 PM] 23:59 [bi: u mean u're in ns already?
[08:26:43 PM] nice 2 noe u: yes...
[08:27:05 PM] nice 2 noe u: btw u have ur dinner already...
[08:27:10 PM] 23:59 [bi: yup
[08:27:16 PM] 23:59 [bi: eaten liao
[08:27:57 PM] nice 2 noe u: tat guy ur stead...
[08:28:32 PM] 23:59 [bi: LOL!!!!!
[08:28:40 PM] 23:59 [bi: i'm the guy god dammit!!!
[08:32:02 PM] nice 2 noe u: sori...my officer call mi 2 do something i b rite back...
[08:32:49 PM] 23:59 [bi: ok LOL!
[08:43:41 PM] nice 2 noe u: sori i gtg...
[08:43:41 PM] nice 2 noe u: bye bye...
HE MISTOOK ME FOR KELLY DEAR!!!! OMG!!!! wtf man!!! can anyone he so dumb and so blur???? below is the screenshot of it as proof whahaha..

dumbass!!! click to enlarge
ok i'm gonna go play game le.. LOL!!!!
by hong ; 8:32 PM
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[ valentine's day ]
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
yesterday celebrated valentine's day with dear :P so happy.. we went to her workplace eat, and its damn damn damn crowded!! everywhere is damn damn damn crowded -.-" wanted to make reservation for Fish & Co. initially but she wanted to eat at her workplace haha so no choice.. then her workplace cannot make reservations de~ so have to queue up lor.. but the waiting time is ok la, only about 15 mins of wait.. i had CA sirloin steak and dear had spice me up.. pasta lol so spicy that dear cannot finish, we share strawberry milk ice.. something like that i couldn't remember the name of it :X then for desert we ate cheese cakes!!! strawberry cheese cake for me and choco cheese for dear~ after eating went to Esplanade there walk walk and hear people 'croak croak' :X haha but there so many people then no one 'croaking' and muacking one :X lOl in the end the whole place so unromantic de.. FULL OF COUPLES, and TOURIST -.-" imagine u dating then there is south africans walk pass chit chatting lol dave should know how funny it would be.. the situation would be like i am saying to dear, 'Dear I love you a lot, you're my star, my moo...' (background) 'seh ka su na seh neh ba, seh ka nu *click* neh sa *click* kua, HAHAHAHAH' could you imagine how hilarious that would be???? well not that it happened to me but ya know.. mabbe it happened to Mr Russell Peters :X ok sorry, i digressed.. we walked to merlion, pass each other gifts.. dear bought me Billabong wallet, my favourite color somemore!!!! so happy.. love it!! :) and me and dear xin you ling xi lehx.. cause i bought her billabong handbag.. lol and then chit chat a bit.. there got more tourist!! got japoooon people and ang mohs.. LOL after that walk to raffles place MRT and WOAH!!! there is so many people picnicking there.. OMG and i tot got wad event there.. but in the end its just couples date lol i think valentine's day is the most unromantic day in singapore.. cause anywhere that is suppose to be romantic will be so crowded that it became unromantic -.-" anyway me sent dear to boon lay then go home le.. happy :D oh and below is pictures that we took at merlion, using her camera fone and my sony ericson lighting :)

at merlion there~

making funny faces :#
hehe will take picture of how the wallet dear gave me looks like if got chance ba.. oh and felicia, u still owe me pictures!@!!! haha faster send me so that i can post on blog.. and ya send me the video also.. i wanna post on blog too :D
yesterday also discussed with dear about signing for police.. she supported me :) thanks dear.. although i know she will be a bit sad, but that 6 months inside will be for the sake of my future.. so dear sorry, its a choice that i've tot about carefully and decided de~ and thanks thanks thanks.. i promise to spend time with u after i go in and i will keep that promise :)
by hong ; 12:35 PM
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[ season for love ]
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
hi peeps, i know i ought to update.. been a while since i last updated~ anyway the annual not-so-anticipated day by most people is here.. valentine's day :) so...
this greeting goes out to all peeps k?~! no bf/gf doesn't mean no celebrate valentine's day.. cause my defination of valentine's day is to spend the day with the one's you love, so valentine's day could meant eating out with your mum
and she gets to pay for it, chilling out with your brudder's cum sista's, going out with your family etc etc. v'dae doesn't just mean its for people with spouse -.-"
anyway yesterday was tshin's birthday, had dinner at marche~ not too bad but kind of pricey lol.. me, dave, zai and quan shared pressie.. we bought him a really really nice COFFIN.. LOL kinda lame rite??? anyone wanna eat lame chop?? whahaha.. but the coffin is really nice, its a mini cabinet that can hang on wall one lol hope shin likes it.. then after dinner me find lao po after her work, went play pool at marina square with the rest of the peeps.. then sent dear home~
saturday was pretty much boring.. in the 1st half, evening time went to play pool at grassroots, after that went zai house play cards cum mahjong cum truth
or dare lol then went home liao.. sunday morning played bball, super shag and super hot.. after bball went to swim, weeeeeeeeee so long nv swim swim le ;) after swim finish went home bathe change then go town buy present and play pool.. woot think i overspent since i bought bdae present and vdae~!!!! but heck cause its a once in a while thingy.. shall end here le ba, tired and not really in the blogging mood.. can't manage to blog in the typical hong style lol
by hong ; 12:06 PM
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[ my 200th ]
Thursday, February 09, 2006
yeah, this post is my 200th.. been blogging for about 1 year 8 months, since July 2004 till now :) wondering how much longer can i continue to blog.. hmmmm mabbe during my BMT i will blog lesser~ but will i be blogging 10 years down the road?? *shrugs* there's bloggers who are 49 year old and still going strong haha so actually age doesn't really matter :P but still.. how long more??? sometimes just dun feel like blogging at all.. but dunno for whose sake it is, i'll just update for the sake of it.. cause after all, i dun wan my blog to be a boring place for peeps to come in :D a blog is troublesome to take care of, u have to edit codes and maintain them.. and have to backup whenever u update~ else blogspot might just accidentally delete the codes.. like how they did to mine previously -.-" TWICE somemore _|_ so i've learnt to backup the codes everytime i update something.. JUST IN CASE~!! hmmm the whole blogosphere has been the up and coming trend of most youngsters.. no doubt i'm one of those that got sucked into this trend haha but somehow blogging has become a necessity to most youngsters :P i'm not one of those lol sometimes its a good thing to blog, but when blogging turns into a 'blog-war' -.-" thats something real lame..
anyway, just now watched excorsism of emily rose on my PC.. 2.5/5 star rating show, nothing much interesting and scary..was expecting something more~ lol after watching went to eat laksa.. short kelly's treat :P thanks hehe oh and stupid laksa stain my shirt :( 3 dots of laksa on my nike tee now.. sadded~ then after eating come back lab.. try install stupid program.. finally found out that is john lim pass me wrong disc -.-" so he'll pass me disc tml morning.. ya and now i'm suppose to do something with my project and i'm lazy HAHA later goin meet dear for dinner :P so happy cause so long nv see her le :) anyway i think i better get on to my project stuff if not tml will die hehee
by hong ; 2:19 PM
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[ dedicated to you.. ]
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
my 2nd post of today.. dedicated to someone close, close enuff to make me dedicate this post for her..i dun wanna name anyone here~ so you know who you are..
lets just refer this close female fren as V.. dun guess who she is~ no she is not erv -.-" ok.. V recently broke up with her bf.. a long enuff relationship for her to be sad, i guess words can't describe her feeling.. no, i dun understand her situation.. how could i understand wad she is going through?? i'm not her!~ but seriously here's what i wanna tell her.. find it too wierd to say to her directly, so ya.. V if u read this pretend that u din.. i dun wanna make things awkward..
*i've known u so long le.. we've been good frens so long le.. i seriously got teary eyes when i saw the words 'broke up already' appear rite in our msn convo, i seriously got a bit emotional.. and i feel kinda lost about wad i can do to make u feel any better~ u should noe me well enuff.. consoling others is not something i'm good at, worst still.. i'm a emotional guy -.-" so most probably i'll just feel sad with you when i try to console u.. but do remember to stand up soon, i wanna see the cheerful and happy go lucky V that i use to know.. and dun worry, your xiao di will be there if u need.. ur family and ur frens also.. so see u in ur usual self soon k? wipe your tears and be on the road soon.. thats where we, ur frens, are waiting for you to move on together :)*
ok done.. remember V, if u done reading take it u nv read this before.. cause it'll make me feel awkward haha.. anyway after this incident, i realise that wad my brother said about relationship is true-er then true.. 'having a relationship is difficult, maintaining one is tougher' for me a relationship is really about setting differences aside, thats wad makes a relationship beautiful and nice.. 2 person accepting each others' differences and love each other, and knowing that one will be there for the other when in need.. thats breath taking when u seriously found the one~ and thats wad i believed as 'true love'.. and of course when u find that you're trying real hard to put the diferences aside, then its time for u to think about it..
i gotta go sleep le.. tml no one signing in for me -.-" so have to go school sign in myself.. and john lim says he needs to pass me Disc 2 of the Visual Studio 2003 right in the morning =.=" sianz.. sleep le, nite peeps..
by hong ; 11:46 PM
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just finish watching the show In Her Shoes.. features Cameron Diaz~ wun say anything much here.. watch it urselfs hahaha!! a show worth watching during weekends in the cinemas hehehe.. but i think cinema not showing it anymore.. so too bad for u guys hehe a very heart warming show :)
yesterday my mum told me about a shitty news.. some Samuel Tan, a campus superstar loser commented on his blog previously that the project superstar champion, wei lian is a disgrace to singaporeans -.-" below is a extract of wad he exactly blogged about i found on the campus superstar webbie:
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Wat is the world coming to?
Can anyone become a superstar?
Wat is the message tat is conveyed out?
Wat will others think of Singapore?
Even handicaps can become idols, ARE ALL OF U BLIND?
From the start, having wei lian in was a big mistake.
He did not perform well in e first round of auditions. Neither did he do well in other rounds.
He messed up today as well.
How could he win?
All e aunties n uncles out there are just taking pity on him.
They do not know wat's the true meaning of SUPERSTAR.
if anyone could be superstar then someone please explain why is Mr Samuel full-of-himself Tan out of the competition?? guess the only person who doesn't know the true meaning of a superstar is he himself.. stevie wonder is a superstar, and he is physically impaired as well.. so wads the problem??? stevie wonder is really a wonder, he sings well and is talented.. same for wei lian, just that wei lian's talent is not as much as stevie wonder but i still dun see anything wrong with wei lian being superstar.. i mean mabbe he din sing perfectly but he did his best and has quality voice.. and he deserves to be a superstar!! wei lian may be handicapped physically.. but i believes that people like Samuel Tan is handicapped in their heart~ we can accept cats and dogs in life.. i dun see any reason we can't accept a blind person being a singer..
think before you comment on something.. thats a lesson he should learn after this incident~ i've always emphasized on blogging responsibly.. if u wan to comment something like that, make sure u dun make it big HAHA cause if u try to make it big, nosy farkers will dig out anything that u said before, anything u did before, anywhere u hang out before then try and make a big news out of it.. lol so before u decide to join any large scale competition, delete this kind of post WHAHAHA :P
anyways, been pretty bored in school.. nothing much happened, pretty stagnant.. hmmm i miss dear a lot~ we're quite a special couple.. only get to go out like once a week?? cause normally after school both of us would be tired.. she stays very far and study also very far.. time and distance may keep us apart but we both know that our hearts are closely knitted together :) really miss my baby a lot..
by hong ; 10:16 AM
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[ when ur index finger is pointing at others, you have 3 fingers pointing back at you ]
Monday, February 06, 2006
yes, i am pretty pissed.. i just renovated my blog, AGAIN.. and managed to link up most of the peeps~ changed some link layouts and stuffs.. alright wad i'm pissed with is not the trouble taken to renovate this blog.. i'm quite annoyed that my brother blogged about a disagreement i had with mum few days back.. i'm not intending to start a blog war, at least not with my blood brother.. duh~! just wanna clarify a few things..
he mentioned that i did not put in enough effort in my work.. yes thats true and i really do owe my mum an apology~ wrong course, no interest, can't understand shit about wad lecturer says.. those are excuses but a matter of fact still i admit its my fault for not putting in more effort.. peeps around me whose gpa are like 2.3 have the same damn excuse as i do.. but their gpa is due to hardwork from their part~ so i have no excuse for this..
next he mentioned that i overspent and has no right to get pissed.. 1st and foremost, i could gurantee that i DID NOT overspend this time.. in the past mabbe but now i've cut down a lot.. ask eugene, david, yu quan etc.. i dun play pool as much as last time.. sometimes not even once a week~ so how could i possibly overspend??? and i clearly remember mum DID NOT pass me the money.. and that day we had the disagreement, i did not explain one thing.. she may have mistakenly written down about my allowance.. cause i know very very well i did not take that money from her.. and why did i not clarify that on that day?? can u imagine she is pissed already, believing the fact i did overspend, and i am also pissed thinking that she dun believe me.. and if i told her in my angry voice tone that she had remembered wrongly, how would that pissed off mum react?? she'll most probably go 'dun give me that crap, i won't make this kind of mistake..' ya and dun argue with me she wun go that way.. i've experienced it before when i told her about the internet connection thingy and all 3 time she went that same way -.-" so wad i'm trying to say is, dun make assumptions especially when my part of story has not been said.. and dun tell me that because i had a girlfren thats why my expenditure that few weeks went higher, we're together on cny's eve and before we got together, we NEVER had any dates.. and i DID NOT spend a single cent on her before the commitment started.. so there's no possible way i could think i overspent.. and i jolly well know i did not~ yes i admit that having a gf will lead to more expenses.. but please do remember that commitment comes with a price.. and i'll have to pay for it~!! dun come crapping with me telling me i'm not in the age for a relationship.. thats like an ind*an priest.. HOLY SHIT =.="
also he talked about my debit card.. yes its for my driving lessons, but take note that I DID NOT asked my mum for it.. i DID NOT request to apply for it, mum told me to apply and i DID asked her for the reason.. and she said for driving so fine with me since i have nothing to lose~ look i did give my mum an alternative by paying using my brother's debit card and she put the money inside his bank.. she said ok initially but now she wans me to put it through my bank~ so why not??? ya and i do not work during my breaks.. reason?? can u even find me a job within 3 days that only needs me for a month??? and even if u could, i most probably dun have that month to spare you -.-" my bloody holiday's are shorten because of the early intakes of poly students in the coming years.. and yes my holidays are shorten to one month MAX.. and my peeps around me no kang tao to work~! i'm not pushing the blame to anyone not giving me a job.. but i dun think i have any opportunities either.. and tell me which 18 yr old would wanna work when his best peeps are all staying home playing online games or going to each other's house chilling??! i wouldn't mind working if peeps around me have kang tao and wanna work together~ its a joy to work with ur brothers u see~!
oh and he talked about fillial piety.. i do give my mum part of my salary when i do work.. even if i'm like earning $400 a month?! i would still manage out $100 for my mum.. i know $100 is not a lot but at the very least.. i DO GIVE HER a quarter of my salary.. my peeps around me dun do that -.-" if they happen to work they just wun take allowances.. thats all~ and if anyone wanna mention about my IPP pay.. that i did not give my mum a single cent.. sorry but IPP i top up my ez-link myself most of the times.. and i work in town area drawing a pathetic $420 a month pay~!!!! town area = expensive food -.-" bro u should noe that better.. u chiong more then me u'll know that town area is more expensive then usual.. so tell me how to squeeze money for my mum..
yes and dun worry bro, i am not like those mum whacking bastards and i will NEVER BE.. its something to cruel to be done~ bro i guess u need to understand me better.. u seriously dun understand ur lil bro here.. i do admit i spend a lot but i nowadays i keep it under my budget.. although i do not understand u as much as i should but i believe i i know ur character better then u know mine.. please remember that mum not only gives me allowance.. u're 23 and she's giving u allowance until u got ur job.. she gives me money for cny clothes and she gives u too -.-" i believe that mum gives us allowance when we do not have a job.. and if u think she is over protective, she is seriously NOT to that extend.. i would dare say she loves u slightly more then she loves me, but she protects me more because i'm the younger one.. think carefully~ the difference between u and me when talking to mum.. u ask for something reasonable u'll most probably get it~ i ask for something reasonable and i'll have to debate 3 times about it and i still can't get it.. i'm not saying mum is biase.. i'm NOT!!! and dun ask me when will i start to bear the thought of not using mum's money anymore.. u're taking allowances even after army!!! so aren't u using mum's money too?? be fair about it.. its reasonable she gives u allowance because u still have yet to get a job.. and u need to eat -.-" i need to eat too~
and wei sheng thanks for ya advice on signing up for police.. thanks a million~
last but not least.. kelly, i do love you a lot, today's msn convo about me signing for police made me realise that i love you more then i know.. and made me realise that signing police would be more costly then i tot, cause i wun have time for family, for frens and for you.. i love you :)
by hong ; 5:02 PM
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update update~ friday went meet dear after school at boon lay.. then went her frens house play cards, after that went off to town.. actually intended to watch i not stupid too with dear again.. but was too tired, far too tired so went home to sleep :) saturday whole day stay home, my lao po slept like pig lol she woke up at 4 =.=" me played games whole day at home.. ya and basically thats about it~ yesterday my turn to sleep like a pig.. woke up at 1.30 or 2 i think, then go on com chit chat with dear.. then went play pool in the evening at monstercue, late 'bai nian' at there, uncle gave us ang bao and exchange mandarin oranges.. come to think of it, that boss of monstercue is quite generous.. i was expecting $2 from him MAX, but he gave us each $4.. i mean for someone who only has customer relationship with, he gave quite a lot.. sometimes some relative can even give $2 -.-" after pool quite late le.. then went off~ uncle force us to talk back some biscuits haha.. he bought a lot new year goodies :P then ask us take back some hehe.. on the way for dinner, had some debate on where to eat =.=" anyway forget it..
last nite can't sleep, whole damn night tossing and turning on bed.. i think i'm pretty stressed up nowadays, no.. its not about my project~ come to think of it, i'm like graduating in about 1 1/2 months time.. actually to be precise is 5 weeks, what am i going to do after i graduate??? ok find a part time job that can last until before i go to army.. then after army?? wad can i do after my ns?? with my fucked up grades, i can't make it to varsity.. the only choice is overseas if i wanna go, but it'll only be a waste of money if i go.. i mean i'm not into the IT field~ even if i made it to the varsity, i wun be happy with the life i lead.. i've been thinking of that last nite.. should i go and be a police?? since it's my primary school dream and i've been given the offer.. i mean the pay isn't that bad.. 1.8k starting i think, but the prospect for a poly student isn't really very good.. i think my max salary could probably be 3k.. and that could only last me until 45.. cause police have to retire early, same for the SAF.. haix~ but if i really earn 1.8 k per month, how much can i save up??? when can i really start a business like i always wanted?? 45 years old?? by then i would be too old to start a business, by then i would be too old to lose.. by then i can't afford to lose.. and when will i be able to save up and get married?? how much for a wedding?? 50k?? mabbe around there.. then marry = buy house.. how can i afford a house if i'm earning 1.8k per month?? i'll most probably skip buying car.. cause the money spent on a car i could use it for cab.. and it could be cheaper, and say i'm earning 1.8k monthly, and my mum has to retire one day.. i'll most probably give her $400 if my bro is giving her money.. and if there's any chance that my bro doesn't, i'll give her $800.. and dammit~ i'm left with $1k per month OMG!!!! should i join the police force?? and get a stable job as 'constable ah hong' after my NS.. or should i look for other job opportunities?? tell me man!!!!!!!!
sometimes i think i think too much.. stuffs like that did not went through my mind just once.. its been millions of times i have sleepless nights thinking of stuffs like that.. about my future, about my job, about the one i love etc etc.. am i actually 19++ yrs old?? i mean do a normal 19 yr old guy thinks this way?? i think my brain is a bit 'sot sot' i'm like thinking 20 years ahead =.=" argh!!!!
AM I THINKING TOO MUCH?!?????????!@!!@!$!%
been playing D2 lately.. started hardcore character and.......... i died!! DAMMIT!!! MY HEART STOPPED FOR A SECOND WHEN I SAW MY BARBARIAN DIED ON ME!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!! next character class: sorceress, name: HardcoreSex-HC :P naughty name eh??
oh and i miss my dear dear dear lao po :(
by hong ; 12:43 PM
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[ memoirs of a geisha ]
Friday, February 03, 2006
promised dear to sleep early tonite.. so ya, after updating will go sleep hehe
memoirs of a geisha.. nice show, the plot and setting is good, and the storyline as well.. yesterday watched with dear at cineleisure~ had a corner sit.. lol after watching went to kopitiam eat.. ya and now i think i'm kinda 'sua gu'.. I DIN KNOW THERE IS A KOPITIAM NEAR CINE!!! and to think that cine is one of the town areas i used to hang out often hahaha.. but!! the food there sux =.=" and i had to eat 1 1/2 share because dear cannot finish :P after finish eating i send dear to boon lay mrt then go home le.. cause scared not last train hmmm overall memoirs of a geisha i give 3.5/5 haha
this morning woke up, saw my alarm clock ringing off.. off it le and then............ went back to sleep -.-" slept until 11.30 then woke up OMG!! LATE!!!! lucky got pple help to sign in everyday lOl went to school, da bao one packet of bee hoon from the canteen, then went to lab slack liao :P BORING!!! tml going meet dear :D shall end here then go zzz liaox :) oh before i go, below are 2 pictures of me and dear ^.-

hehe :)
by hong ; 12:36 AM
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