[ most irresponsible man ]
Monday, January 23, 2006
yes.. no doubt about it~ i hate my dad.. i mean not that kind of hate with the murderous intent but its that kind of hate whereby a child is hurt by his parents.. argh!!! not going to blog about it cause its family problem.. haix i just hate him, such an irresponsible guy OMG!!! i will never ever grow up to be like that..
last saturday morning went for open house.. finally finished :) after open house rush down to play bball @ LSBC.. good ball games~ and nard manage to play throughout~ not bad.. after ball went home to change bathe etc etc. then prepare for dinner with dad and bro.. sianz!!! hate him la!!! then after eating went to meet gene and dave and dave gf.. to play pool~ after that went home.. then played diablo then went to bed at 4 am.. then sunday woke up at 12pm.. woah, wake up only clean up my room.. haha LOTS of rubbish in my room.. rearranged the position of my PC and stuffs.. took some old stuffs to cash converter to sell hehehe :D now my room finally looks so much neater :) then evening went with mum, bro and bro's gan mei to NTUC buy things~ after that home le :) sianz man.. now doing fypj~ tml i'll put up the pictures that we took during open house hehe so check back ya~
by hong ; 9:37 AM
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