[ charity!!! ]
Sunday, January 08, 2006
yeah, channel U is now showing the Ren Ci Charity show.. well, to me its just another typical show that features artiste endangering their lives performing stunts and hoping that it could help increasing the number of calls.. think about it this way~ charity?? would you even call that charity?? i mean in my context, charity is a donation given without asking for reward.. hmmm ren ci charity show doesn't gives out prizes (do they?) thats why its the only charity show that i actually seriously respect.. other charity shows that gives callers a chance to win a condom, the latest gadget etc etc those are charity shows that i dun give a damn about.. but one thing i must say, i dun understand why must those artiste risk their life in order to save another life.. its like putting someone's life in peril because u hope to save another.. its like saving private ryan just that this time its a 1 to 1 exchange thingy..

its very very pointless you see~ if they had just perform strip dances, singing.. talk cock show etc etc, i think i would most probably donate more.. but looking at those poor artiste performing those dangerous stunts sometimes makes me feel sorry for them.. >.<
back to my daily thing, sat's match with chong feng was another win for us :) this time not a trashing one and we din play well, but still pulls up the team's morale :D oh well, we'll have more games in future with Lao Sperm Bo Cock LSBC :) hope that will help improve the team plays haha..
the weather recently wasn't good, i mean not good for outdoors but really good for sleeping haha rain rain rain rain 24/7.. almost EVERYDAY it rains~! well hella good!!! can sleep better :P i think tml i'll be really late for sch.. cause i can't see any reason for me to be in sch.. everyday go school to watch anime -_- thats like so pathetic for a FYPJ student haha but nevertheless its fun whahaa the excitement of your supervisor sneaking up on you hehe =P gosh i sound like i enjoy bondage stuffs LOL think i shall end here, nothing much to blog about recently -.-"
by hong ; 9:57 PM
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